Tuesday, May 4, 2010

lately called worse

i've been investigating
the constancy surrounding
the effect of difference

electric sunrise,
how much far apart
from the dominion
of controlled soul
egging on lyrics from his mind
concern still ringing.

basis foundation intellect insight
version vision comission
resourced home team
the edginess of distortion,
on a cultural and a political level
and a soul level
how much can the body take
before it is completely baked
used up refused,
the spirit
of all decades
was nothing more than invention of computer tech

the endless entropy
so sudden undone
of all songs ending in a splash
into out of,
the creation

Sunday, May 2, 2010

talking heads

i own three talking heads cassettes.

sound simplistic, sweetly smooth, vertical expounding need in what we want to do, the transfer will work easier the second time over, responding recently as the spirits coincide, versatility removed and justified.

it seems that
although I am never certain where things come from,
i always learn something by what i investigate,
the plain need of things. The continued reason we
don't realize we don't know,
ratified simplicity in the age of cavemindedness,
reasons for leaving ourselves in damage area secreted,


"we live in the city of dreams"
funny enough it relates to the places one drifts in coming to terms with an obvious fact.

the mother over which we aren't involved blanking out use for the\\\\
really this blog is my opportunity to let loose, while at once telling you a running order of songs and tapes....

photography is interesting me, so is mixing audio and taping, all forms of catchetisms,

this isn't just about tapes, it's

my musings about musics relationship in my life,

and my passion for music and sound art

expect more posts with more music

picked up dj shadow's endtroducing at hmv.

places of finding
basis, recall, and measure.

music is drums, oriented and placed next to what we have

basic of everything we need.
magnetic resonance
field chamber flux,
reality damaged.

talking heads-true stories (experience drawing on recall info and boiled perspective suspect durability)
talking heads-little creatures (DRAWING FORMAT OKAY WITH ME)
talking heads-naked (has fantastic booklet, drawn chat into interested faculty demonished as having bad concerns)